white noise machine sucks

  1. Chaos


    Hi all, I've came to a final decision that I'd like to resign from the Second Generation staff team. Thank you for the experience. I appreciate being given the chance to moderate, however, I'd rather focus on my academics. It's also difficult finding a way to balance academics and moderating at...
  2. Chaos

    Best/Favourite Meme Songs

    I'd like to hear ya favourite meme songs! Drop 'em below. Here be mine!
  3. Robely

    Favorite SG Moment

    "Wait wait wait wait, is Gearhop making a thread?! That- that's not how logic does a do..." Shush shush inferior life form, the forums have been pretty quiet lately, so I've decided to take matters into my own hands, and post a... SICK COOL NEW THREAD SO, I've done a lot research and found that...
  4. Robely


    WARNING VERY QUESTIONABLE CONTENT. NOT LIABLE FOR MENTAL HEALTH DAMAGE It was the 3rd of July, Yuki, an 11 year old African refugee, was walking to school. It was an extremely how day, because of Yuki's dark black African skin, he was sweating perfusely. "Are you ok?" He heard a voice coming...