zero is gay

  1. Ivy

    The XF 2.0 Treasure Hunt!

    Hello! As you can see, the newest XenForo update has been brought to SG, and along with it comes many new features. I'm starting a treasure hunt looking for these new features. If you want to participate, read the rules and start looking...
  2. Ivy


    This is jb_snowdrift. It's set somewhere in uh, Canada. I've been working on this for about a month, and I think it's finally ready to show off to the forums. As my first jailbreak map, I think it's good so far. The current game list is: Tower (custom), Jeopardy, Deathrun, Fall Game, Crush...
  3. Ivy

    it's spook mont

    hello. It's already october, and I want to know how you're going to celebrate the months of spooks. i'll just be editing all month. edit: fuck, I spelled month wrong