★Maeztro - Jailbreak★


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Basic Details

-Steam Profile Name: SG|RB Maeztro

-SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53716727

-Your age:17

-TimeZone: EST

-When you are on our servers: Every day from 3:30-8:00 approx.

-Servers you are interested in becoming a moderator for: Jailbreak

More about you

*Where you live (Country)?

United States of America

*Do you have a microphone?

Yes, it's high quality too. I'm pretty easy to hear and understand. Only problem is I have a slight stutter, so bear with me. Not something I can control ;P

*Why should you be a moderator?

I believe I should be a moderator because I have played on the jailbreak server and I have a lot of fun. A lot of the time I'm on without a moderator, and when I try to get things into order people do not listen because I am not a moderator. I know most commands on the server and I have read the jailbreak rules many times. Lots of moderators only are a moderator so they have special abilities on the server, like this one guy who, when I claimed his microphone was muffled, kicked me for "being disrespectful". I want to be a moderator so I can actually help out and keep things in order. I am also told that my voice is threatening so I guess that could keep people from being disrespectful etc. I love SG Gaming and jailbreak and I know I could really contribute to the community.
Moderators need three things:

  • Patience
  • Strictness
  • Seriousness
I have these three things, even when not a moderator. It reflects when I am a warden, however being a moderator would amplify it. I would treat this position like a job, because it is one. Just one that I don't get paid on. I have lots of free time, so I may as well be productive.

*Do you have past admin/moderator experience?

I have been an admin on many servers before, mainly Minecraft, TF2, and GMod. I am most proud of my administration on Abyssal Gaming because the Abyssal Gaming community is rather nice.

*Does any other existing staff support you?

Yes, Chinominican (who is an outstanding moderator by the way), Scoot, Vestige seems to like me, and probably most other mods. Except Cave ;P


Recognized Member
Never seen you. You can't just apply and have no experience. -----support

Your Best Demoman,


Well-Known Member
I've played on the servers for a while, I just never thought to join the community until now.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could do special things but every time I try to help anyone out, all the dicks who use loopholes are, and I quote, "ur not a mod u cant tell us wat to do". I mean, I can't do miracles unless given the chance.

I won't pout or complain if I'm not accepted, I mean, I just feel I could help out. I know the rules and the commands. All I want to do is contribute, you know?


Recognized Member
Ok, you are VERY NEW. Let all the admins get a good reputation of you before you apply. But for now, you're still a negative support for me.

Edit: He's been on a lot now, and I think he gets the rules, and enforces them well. I'm going with a small positive support on this.


Well-Known Member
VERY NEW to the forums. I had no idea they existed. I know most moderators on Jailbreak, not the forums. Do as you wish though, I like feedback :)


Recognized Member
1.I would recommend re-sizing that signature to a smaller one.
2. Never seen you before.
3. I also recommend that you spend more time on SG considering you're on of the newest members to join.

EDIT: Okay, so I met you today.
BUT, you claim to have been on the servers for 3 months yet barely anyone has ever seen you.

ANOTHER EDIT: I've spent some time and seen a bit of what he's capable of. But I don't know him too well. Neutral support.

HOPEFULLY FINAL EDIT: -Support, since I don't really think he's fit for a position as a moderator since he sends me messages about it and seems sorta power hungry.. ._. Sowwy, it's just how I feel.


Recognized Member
support+ is okay warden, and knows most of the rules that others seem to look over

he has also been on the servers for the amount of time satan was btw, if satan could be admin, so could he


Recognized Member
Whose the moderator who kicked you for disrespect, i feel that that was unfair to do that whoever did it...

i'm your average MLG player


Recognized Member
I saw you once on jail break, you dont really know all the warden rules you accidentally free shoot a lot (dont use your scatter gun from far range)
Im going to have to give this a thumbs down. -support

[Fix your ID]

Morgan Rudelman

Recognized Member
Never seen him.However,by the looks of all these "never seen him" and "-support",it looks like you got a bad start.

How can you improve it?

  1. Atleast spend some more time on our servers.If you claim that you've been on here for 3 months,please give us your older usernames and maybe a few admins/mods/managers/etc. can remember/know you.
  2. After completing step one,remake the application.
  3. And hopefully get some high-ranking admins to support you.


Recognized Member
Morgan Rudelman said:
Never seen him.However,by the looks of all these "never seen him" and "-support",it looks like you got a bad start.

How can you improve it?

  1. Atleast spend some more time on our servers.If you claim that you've been on here for 3 months,please give us your older usernames and maybe a few admins/mods/managers/etc. can remember/know you.
  2. After completing step one,remake the application.
  3. And hopefully get some high-ranking admins to support you.

Unforunately, we don't really like people making many applications quickly here (at least I don't). If you have older user names, please do post them here and see if that changes things, and people perhaps change their mind from -support from not seeing you to +support because you're such an awesome dude.

But please don't make another application really soon.


Recognized Member
----------------Negative support x2
 Doesn't know many rules, had to guard ban him once, and very new.
Argues and debates in other moderator applications as it seems he doesn't want anyone to be moderator or something as such.

"-When you are on our servers: Every day from 3:30-8:00 approx."
I find this completely false.

I've only seen you a couple of times.


Well-Known Member
I believe it was the mod with the filter on his mic to sound like a robot, but we're cool now and he's a very good mod.

I played on the jailbreak server, just never joined SG.

Also, I get where all of you are coming from. I definitely need some more time before becoming a mod! If others don't think I'll do a good job, then neither do I! :) I enjoy just playing on the server anyway :p


Recognized Member
Have seen him. You need more experience in the server, and need to get to know the rules better. I'm going to go with a -support
1. You're new 
2. Need to get used to rules
3. Your ID is wrong
4. My finger is getting tired of scrolling
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