allowed the sun back into the spy room
I thought he was talking about that plugin at first, as well. He seems to actually be giving quite a better idea.Or how about you just add the admins, who are 99% of the time more than willing to add you, and even more happy to come on when asked and are able. Even if I am at that point unable, which is very rare, I alert an online admin to get on for me and they deal with it.
Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the idea of more admins, but we're not going to be handing it out to just about anyone, there are very few people who I would be happy to see gain that position.
The idea of having a "call" system would require the admins get an external program to download and have up, alerting whenever there's a report. It's also a pain in the ass, so how about people do the simple thing and just add a bloody admin. Dear lord I'm running out of boots to throw at people at this point.
This would be combing MySQL and allow each server to communicate. It wouldn't call an offline admin onto TF2, but rather would alert an admin in FF2 or Trade that a guy called an admin onto jailbreak. Admins across all servers would get notified and some, not having anything important, would respond.