An Admin on at all times


allowed the sun back into the spy room
Or how about you just add the admins, who are 99% of the time more than willing to add you, and even more happy to come on when asked and are able. Even if I am at that point unable, which is very rare, I alert an online admin to get on for me and they deal with it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the idea of more admins, but we're not going to be handing it out to just about anyone, there are very few people who I would be happy to see gain that position.

The idea of having a "call" system would require the admins get an external program to download and have up, alerting whenever there's a report. It's also a pain in the ass, so how about people do the simple thing and just add a bloody admin. Dear lord I'm running out of boots to throw at people at this point.
I thought he was talking about that plugin at first, as well. He seems to actually be giving quite a better idea.

This would be combing MySQL and allow each server to communicate. It wouldn't call an offline admin onto TF2, but rather would alert an admin in FF2 or Trade that a guy called an admin onto jailbreak. Admins across all servers would get notified and some, not having anything important, would respond.

§G| ★FRY★

New Poster
I mean ffs we need a damn admin at all damn times...I see so many freekillers, mispammers and etc. so we need a damn a damn admin at all times


Active Member
1. unless they get paid they don't really wanna do it
2. they have lives
3. admins can be substituted by things like i dunno, a donator thing where you could make a vote kick or something, there are other solutions


Recognized Member
1. unless they get paid they don't really wanna do it
2. they have lives
3. admins can be substituted by things like i dunno, a donator thing where you could make a vote kick or something, there are other solutions
We have stated in the past why we don't want donator ranks. It's a broken system and vote kick can be abused very easily if given the chance


Active Member
We have stated in the past why we don't want donator ranks. It's a broken system and vote kick can be abused very easily if given the chance
well a strict system it COULD work
like as in, misuse it and its gone no refund
(i've seen it work in previous servers)


Recognized Member
well a strict system it COULD work
like as in, misuse it and its gone no refund
But why risk it? We don't need donations. And with that it will make more work for admins to handle it


Recognized Member
but hey, it's not like all the people on the server will donate right? so I mean it's a fair chance if the price is a tad higher
Again why bother? Is this your way of begging for some form of power? Cause if someone wants this stuff then they should apply. If they get declined then why would we want them to have any power at all?


Active Member
Again why bother? Is this your way of begging for some form of power? Cause if someone wants this stuff then they should apply. If they get declined then why would we want them to have any power at all?
no, i wouldnt donate lol.
im not begging, however im just saying there are other solutions to problems this "schedule" can solve


Active Member
That said, can we have admins that actually follow the rules? The Bloody Lucario's been off restricting movement taunts e.g. Box Trot.


custom title
In all my experiences with Bloody, he always fucks with at least one of the rules

sorry Bloody


Active Member
I know that curse. Still, you're free to add myself or other admins in-case one is required, myself especially if it means straightening out other admins breaking rules. Hold up, lemme just get a thingymabob...

Either way, I'll have a word with them when I next see them.


You should recognize me as Natalie/Nadia/Fluttershy/Braixen/Blaziken/some other random crap. The life of a furfag... o3o

Also, Bloody MIGHT use name changes to hide? o-o


I'd wish I can show you what happened when SOMEONE *COUGH* *COUGH* LUCARIO *COUGH*
Put on FF and basically people died and couldn't get respawn after the round started, he "restarted" the round by slaying everyone. gg no re.

Dr. Insanity

Recognized Member
I'd wish I can show you what happened when SOMEONE *COUGH* *COUGH* LUCARIO *COUGH*
Put on FF and basically people died and couldn't get respawn after the round started, he "restarted" the round by slaying everyone. gg no re.
I did something like that once when I was first an admin ;-;

Extreme Anger Issues

Recognized Member
I'd wish I can show you what happened when SOMEONE *COUGH* *COUGH* LUCARIO *COUGH*
Put on FF and basically people died and couldn't get respawn after the round started, he "restarted" the round by slaying everyone. gg no re.
I think every admin has done that one point in their time