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You were a heavy mostly running away, I even saw you go to four corners at one point.
If we had a schedule of all this, it would create stress, that schedule would be broken at one point too, and it basically causes for admins to play when we really don't want to play anymore or when we don't want to play or not in the mood to.
The past 3 days I've been called on a lot and I've been feeling bad so rip ;~;.
Everything breaks at one point, dude.
To be honest, when have you seen an organized dude stressed compared to an unorganized?
It wouldn't cause admins to play when you don't want to because you can choose when you want to play. It would make it more fair for admins to have time off as well, and for players to stop complaining about how there isn't enough admins or admins aren't on enough.
We have ~40 admins, correct?
I think it would be enough for the servers. :3
This is just a suggestion though.
I think it is a better system IMO.