Anthology works fine, not very interesting but it works.
Blackops doesn't work.
Carceris doesn't work properly.
Italia works fine, it's a decent map to play on.
Mia works fine, it could make an interesting map purely based on the rebel spots.
WIA is an old favourite of mine, it works perfectly fine.
XTREME WAKKA works with an exception of one of the doors, however another door leading to the same destination still works.
Carceris fix still doesn't work which is a shame because I remember the map being pretty fun to play on.
legojail doesn't really work too well.¨
Uhadi works, but it looks terrible.
These maps are safe to put in:
Uhadi(But I don't recommend that you put it in)
I'd say to try them for a week then ask the community what they think.