Good ol' soundtracks


jb map maker
What's your favourite soundtracks and why?

Personally I'm gonna have to go wth this one:

I love ambient shit, and horror games tend to have the best ambient tracks(the good ones anyway). Silent hill is a great example of this.


Recognized Member
Some of the tracks in HL2 are amazing. They always play at the perfect moments, making you feel like a badass when killing CPs, or making you feel sad when someone dies.

This one has to be my favorite out of all of them, simply because of the ambient and spooky vibes it gives off of ravenholm.
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Staff member
TF2 Admin
I quite like the SH series but for SH2, I'd say these are my favorite:


Well-Known Member
Personally i really love all the theme songs for halo but my all time favorite for halo is the theme song for halo reach
Also gotta love the zombie theme song for black ops cause i used to only play zombies

Lord Homicide

Recognized Member
No Persona 5 tracks yet?

I also like a lot of the covers GaMetal does, though they aren't really soundtracks, to be honest. My current favorite is his cover of C-R-O-W-N-E-D:



Recognized Member
Uh, anything from dark souls 1 and 3, and bloodborne

Crypt of the necrothot also has a good soundtrack

Nuclear throne does too

Mr. Burnham

Recognized Member
Undertale soundtracks are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. But the only thing that ruins it is the community. *cough* undertail shit and the comics are cancer *cough*.