I own a pretty dead Deathrun server that I think SG could use.

Lord Homicide

Recognized Member
As the title says, I own a pretty dead Deathrun server that I think SG could benefit from due to game mode expansion. As of now, we have Freak Fortress, Freak Fortress LP, Orange, Trade, and Jailbreak, all five of which are already well-established (save for Trade), and while these aren't necessarily bad, I still think we could use another game mode. And as I sit here, looking at the overview of my server and seeing that it is entirely dead, I believe we could both benefit by moving it to SG. But before you point fingers and yell "TRAITOR!", allow me to briefly explain why I even own a server in the first place.

(Oh boy here comes the generic life story that everyone totally asked for; skip to the next paragraph if you don't care) A long, long time ago (I'm talking 3-ish years ago, before I even started making FF2 bosses), I was a member of a semi-popular FF2 community whose name will remain anonymous. As time went on, I eventually rose to VIP to Admin to Senior Admin, and eventually, Co-Owner. However, my friends and fellow staff started to point out how poorly the main owner treated them; he was polite enough, but from a management standpoint, he refused to grant his admins the basic powers needed for managing servers properly, and the lines dividing higher ranks were blurred to a horrid extent. The ONLY real difference between a regular admin and a senior admin was that seniors had access to sm_ban (which they couldn't even use without asking the owner, unless they were willing to risk a ban themselves). Even I, as the co-owner, was little more than a senior with a fancy tag. Looking back on it, I feel that I and the rest of the staff acted horribly immature, but we saw things in an increasingly negative light. As such, each and every one of us decided to resign. The owner responded by having us all banned, so as a response, we started our own community: UAO.tf. I was elected the leader of this community, and I quickly found a co-owner who was extremely skilled with coding. We started our own small-time FF2 server, which never got far, and a Deathrun server, which was pretty large at the time. We decided to take things as far as we could, and even had an advertisement on Reddit for a short time; but before we could truly establish ourselves, disaster struck. As it would turn out, the co-owner I chose was also very easily offended. When a little bit of drama started within the community, as every community gets occasional drama, he couldn't handle it and took all of the blame upon himself. Assuming he wasn't welcome anymore, he vandalized our Steam page, took down the servers, and replaced the admin bot we had with a scam bot. From this point on, I would try repeatedly to revive the community, but my attempts were futile. A year ago, I quit trying, and the community went silent.

However, around two weeks ago, I brought the server back up with a new intent: to merge with SG. It wouldn't be a full-on community merge, but rather just the one server. I, of course, would have full privileges and root access, as would Yuki. I feel both sides could benefit from this if the server would take off, and I'm confident that it will, as Deathrun is by far one of the most popular custom game modes in TF2. My UAO.tf would benefit by finally having a place to call home (ow the cheese), and SG would benefit by having another lively server under its ownership, albeit it would also be under another's ownership. Even if things don't work out and the server never grows, it's not like SG would be losing anything significant.

At the end of the day, it's entirely SG's choice whether or not this happens. If you decide to do it, great! If not, it's still all good with me. I may continue my efforts on UAO.tf, but I will never truly leave SG. I'll still be around, no matter how dead I might be sometimes, as my time here has been a truly unique and un-replaceable experience.


Recognized Member
As the title says, I own a pretty dead Deathrun server that I think SG could benefit from due to game mode expansion.
Gamemode expansion has failed horrible and that's why there's 2 jailbreak and 2 FF2 servers, there's a demand for it.
However, around two weeks ago, I brought the server back up with a new intent: to merge with SG. It wouldn't be a full-on community merge, but rather just the one server. I, of course, would have full privileges and root access, as would Yuki.
@Kris18 's reincarnation.


Recognized Member
sg used to have a deathrun server but it failed spectacularly. the problem is there are already well established deathrun servers and unless sg offers something totally new (like the mods for ff2) then no one is going to bother with it. they'll just stick to the community they're comfortable with.

i would sometimes just sit in the deathrun server hoping that other people would show up if they saw someone in there. even when it did work it seemed to only get about 5 or 6 people in, and that's too small of a number for deathrun to be actually fun