Incoming JB Rule Changes for May


Recognized Member
As I mentioned earlier this month there will be an update to the rules every month. Original announcement here: The purpose of this thread is to make a list of the rules that will be implemented with the exact wording that will go into the rules. These rules are not effective until they are edited into the official rules. This is your final chance to express your opinions on the rules you want added in, removed, or modified before they officially get put in. If you find loopholes somewhere in the list below, make sure you point it out so we can quickly readjust it. If you know any active JB players who don't use the forums, encourage them to visit this thread so they know what is coming up and they have a chance to share their opinions. This post will be edited regularly before the rules are changed.

Current JB rules:

Rule suggestion threads:

I have color coded the status of the rules:
Rule will definitely be added/removed/modified
Rule still needs to be discussed, but will likely be changed unless large disapproval
Rule needs further discussion, will not be changed unless large consensus

Rule Additions:
  • Under "Common Sense Rule"
    • Death of All Blues is implied in a Red's LR
  • Under Baiting
    • Sniper Jarate on innocent reds (is considered baiting)
  • Under Last Request
    • If there are 2 reds alive, the warden may choose to give a double LR. It must be the exact same LR that applies to all the blues at the same time.
    • Reds may freely modify their LR before their LR begins
  • Under Rebelling/Rebels
    • Map: Chretien. RED(s) who cross the security gate or trigger a beep from the security gate.
  • Under BLU
    • Blue's may NOT leave the general vicinity of the blues and reds unless they are chasing a rebeller or are given explicit permission by the warden to hunt down a rebeller leave. You may be slain for wandering off without a valid reason.
    • No killing Reds for something they type in chat
      • The only exceptions are for jeopardy and snitching
      • Ex: A red who suggests an "invalid" minigame may not be killed.
    • Under No Denying of LR
      • A blue must either participate in the LR or immediately kill themselves. Suiciding as a blue however is frowned upon.
    • Under Inaccessible Areas
      • Admin powers may not be used to relocate blues to an inaccessible area.
    • Under Minigame Frequency
      • Hunger games may only be played once per map every 3 rounds.
    • Under Non-Map Minigames
      • First Reaction Last Reaction may only be played if there are 2 reds left alive or less than 2 5 minutes left in the round or as a RED's last request.
  • Under Banned Minigames
    • Maze or Race games that result in reds dying because their class is slower than another class. You may set a reasonable time limit so that all reds have a fair chance
  • Under MOD
    • Mods are not allowed to use setclass under any circumstance.
    • Respawning Reds
      • A red can be respawned only if he was freekilled in the current round.
      • The red(s) must be immediately respawned and the blues must be informed prior to the respawn.
  • (At the Bottom of the Page)
Useful Jailbreak Commands
      • !rtv - Rock The Vote, will trigger a map change vote if enough players type it.
      • !firewarden - Will fire the current warden if enough players type it
      • !maplist or sm_maplist - displays the list of all the jailbreak maps. (someone confirm that this is correct)
Rule Removals (The strikethrough indicates the part being removed):
  • Under Baiting
    • The following includes but is not limited to
      - Heavy minigun spin up - leaving the minigun spun up
      - Sniper hunstman - precharging the bow
  • Under BLUs
    • Under No Declaring Freedays
      • Warden may not declare a freeday unless a mass freekill took place the preceding round
    • Under Inaccessible Areas
      • BLU(s) are not to hide in an inaccessible area unless it is Hunger Games.

Rule Modifications/clarifications:
  • Under BLU and RED
    • Combine No camping medic and no camping armory and add a clarification to read like this:
      • No camping medic room or armory
        Do not stay in the Medic room or armory for an extended amount of time.
        The warden may not delay the round to kill a rebel in armory or medic unless there is 1 red waiting for last request. He may allocate blues to wait and kill the rebeller.

By the way, @Asu could you give me forum permission to actually change the rules soon?
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Recognized Member
Hunger games may only be played once per map.
Thats no fun at all, this is suppost to have reds fight eachother with ammo.
First Reaction Last Reaction may only be played if there are 2 reds left alive or less than 2 minutes left in the round or as a RED's last request.
There are RARELY rounds where it takes more then 7 minutes.
Warden may not declare a freeday unless a mass freekill took place the preceding round
Okay a mass freekiller comes on and we want to have the reds to have a freeday to release stress and Jailbreak can be stressful.
So mods can respawn now?
No, that was a dumb question, if it was that mods can respawn (#AbuseOnItsWay) that would lead to trouble and would be removed shortly after. I guess we could if we gave it to the right people, @Glaze, @JackTheRipper, @Dusk.

Do not stay in the Medic room or armory for an extended amount of time.
Medic heals 10/s thats really some fucking bull shit, since @Asu said himself you can camp medic as much as you want it won't save you.

Time Machine Master

Recognized Member
  • Under "Common Sense Rule"
    • Death of All Blues is implied in a Red's LR +Support
  • Under Baiting
    • Sniper Jarate on innocent reds (is considered baiting) (I would consider freehit) ~support
  • Under Last Request
    • If there are 2 reds alive, the warden may choose to give a double LR. It must be the exact same LR that applies to all the blues at the same time. ~Support
    • Reds may freely modify their LR before their LR begins +Support
  • Under Rebelling/Rebels
    • Map: Chretien. RED(s) who cross the security gate or trigger a beep from the security gate. +Support
  • Under BLU
    • Blue's may NOT leave the general vicinity of the blues and reds unless they are chasing a rebeller or are given explicit permission by the warden to hunt down a rebeller. You may be slain for wandering off without a valid reason. (I would change this to "first offense is a teleport back and warning" and other than that you may be slain.) +Support
    • No killing Reds for something they type in chat
      • The only exceptions are for jeopardy and snitching
      • Ex: A red who suggests an "invalid" minigame may not be killed. This whole thing, -Support
    • Under No Denying of LR
      • A blue must either participate in the LR or immediately kill themselves. Suiciding as a blue however is frowned upon. +Support
    • Under Inaccessible Areas
      • Admin powers may not be used to relocate blues to an inaccessible area. +Support
    • Under Minigame Frequency
      • Hunger games may only be played once per map. -Support. This would make HG too confusing. Sticking to every 2 or 3 rounds is good enough for me.
    • Under Non-Map Minigames
      • First Reaction Last Reaction may only be played if there are 2 reds left alive or less than 2 minutes left in the round or as a RED's last request. -Support, I see this as your personal pet peeve. I think you should at least raise the cap or something, then I would +support. However, you can always rebel 17 c;
  • Under Banned Minigames
    • Maze or Race games that result in reds dying because their class is slower than another class. You may set a reasonable time limit so that all reds have a fair chance That seems fair, +Support
  • Under MOD
    • Mods are not allowed to use setclass under any circumstance.
    • Respawning Reds
      • A red can be respawned only if he was freekilled in the current round. Definitely +support. I personally get bugged by people who were unfortunate to just join the game 1 second late.
      • The red(s) must be immediately respawned and the blues must be informed prior to the respawn. +Support
  • (At the Bottom of the Page)
Useful Jailbreak Commands
      • !rtv - Rock The Vote, will trigger a map change vote if enough players type it.
      • !firewarden - Will fire the current warden if enough players type it
      • !maplist or sm_maplist - displays the list of all the jailbreak maps. (someone confirm that this is correct)

Rule Removals:
  • Under BLUs
    • Under No Declaring Freedays
      • Warden may not declare a freeday unless a mass freekill took place the preceding round Huh??? No declaring freedays at all pls.
    • Under Inaccessible Areas
      • BLU(s) are not to hide in an inaccessible area unless it is Hunger Games. +Support

Rule Modifications/clarifications:
  • Under BLU and RED
    • Combine No camping medic and no camping armory and add a clarification to read like this:
      • No camping medic room or armory
        Do not stay in the Medic room or armory for an extended amount of time.
        The warden may not delay the round to kill a rebel in armory or medic unless there is 1 red waiting for last request. He may allocate blues to wait and kill the rebeller. +Support


Recognized Member
If there are 2 reds alive, the warden may choose to give a double LR. It must be the exact same LR that applies to all the blues at the same time.
This isn't such a good idea since LR is something that should only be granted to the man/woman who deserves a last request, not requests.
Blue's may NOT leave the general vicinity of the blues and reds unless they are chasing a rebeller or are given explicit permission by the warden to hunt down a rebeller. You may be slain for wandering off without a valid reason.
This is a so so because if they are doing something like getting ammo on ml_castle then they can be slain for wandering off. I would make it so you can be slain if you wander off without doing anything productive.
Hunger games may only be played once per map.
This ruins the blues being able to have a round that shows the reds what they can fully do. I say keep it at the old frequency of every 3 rounds.
First Reaction Last Reaction may only be played if there are 2 reds left alive or less than 2 minutes left in the round or as a RED's last request.
2 minutes is a touchy scenario, how about 5? Also about the players, that seems fine.


Recognized Member
This isn't such a good idea since LR is something that should only be granted to the man/woman who deserves a last request, not requests.

This is a so so because if they are doing something like getting ammo on ml_castle then they can be slain for wandering off. I would make it so you can be slain if you wander off without doing anything productive.

This ruins the blues being able to have a round that shows the reds what they can fully do. I say keep it at the old frequency of every 3 rounds.

2 minutes is a touchy scenario, how about 5? Also about the players, that seems fine.
Sorry for the double post i didn't mean to send the previous message >_>
Respawning Reds
I thought this was already something but ok.
Warden may not declare a freeday
Recently this has gotten annoying. People arguing that you have to or don't have to. It is better if you just remove them allowing to.
BLU(s) are not to hide in an inaccessible area
Would this not count as delaying/camping? Since it is an area that cannot be reached.
This is my final post for my evaluation anyway.


Recognized Member
Thanks for all your opinions, it seems like no one wants the Hunger Games once per map rule so far, so I'll change it to once every 3 rounds. Also if you could respond the way Time Machine Master did, it would be more helpful than quotes.
Okay a mass freekiller comes on and we want to have the reds to have a freeday to release stress and Jailbreak can be stressful.
Jailbreak is stressful? lol

So mods can respawn now?
SAs could always respawn, I'm just making a rule so they know when they are allowed to use it and when not too.

A red can be respawned only if he was freekilled in the current round. Definitely +support. I personally get bugged by people who were unfortunate to just join the game 1 second late.
I think it would be fine to add reds who connect less 10s late if it is a first day freeday, should I add that?

First Reaction Last Reaction may only be played if there are 2 reds left alive or less than 2 minutes left in the round or as a RED's last request. -Support, I see this as your personal pet peeve. I think you should at least raise the cap or something, then I would +support
Raise to what? I just did 2 minutes because it would be easy to remember with 2 people.

This is a so so because if they are doing something like getting ammo on ml_castle then they can be slain for wandering off. I would make it so you can be slain if you wander off without doing anything productive.
Ok let me remove the "hunt down the rebeller" part so it just says you need permission from the warden to broaden options like that. Thanks.

Time Machine Master

Recognized Member
Thanks for all your opinions, it seems like no one wants the Hunger Games once per map rule so far, so I'll change it to once every 3 rounds. Also if you could respond the way Time Machine Master did, it would be more helpful than quotes.

Jailbreak is stressful? lol

SAs could always respawn, I'm just making a rule so they know when they are allowed to use it and when not too.

I think it would be fine to add reds who connect less 10s late if it is a first day freeday, should I add that?
Seems fine to me, I just don't like showing favoritism to people :p

Raise to what? I just did 2 minutes because it would be easy to remember with 2 people. Like zero said, 5 minutes or so is fine by me.

Ok let me remove the "hunt down the rebeller" part so it just says you need permission from the warden to broaden options like that. Thanks.


Recognized Member
  • Under Rebelling/Rebels
    • Map: Chretien. RED(s) who cross the security gate or trigger a beep from the security gate.

What can't they do relating to the security gate? Not sure if you forgot or didn't finish...


Recognized Member

Dic Soupcan

Recognized Member
I think it would be fine to add reds who connect less 10s late if it is a first day freeday, should I add that?
No... first day freeday is there FOR people who connect late. So instead of having a full on round with like less than half the players, you just have a fuck-around round.


Recognized Member
Rule Additions:
  • Under "Common Sense Rule"
    • Death of All Blues is implied in a Red's LR +Support
  • Under Baiting
    • Sniper Jarate on innocent reds (is considered baiting) +Support
  • Under Last Request
    • If there are 2 reds alive, the warden may choose to give a double LR. It must be the exact same LR that applies to all the blues at the same time. ~Support
    • Reds may freely modify their LR before their LR begins +Support
  • Under Rebelling/Rebels
    • Map: Chretien. RED(s) who cross the security gate or trigger a beep from the security gate. +Support (Isn't that already a thing?")
  • Under BLU
    • Blue's may NOT leave the general vicinity of the blues and reds unless they are chasing a rebeller or are given explicit permission by the warden to hunt down a rebeller leave. You may be slain for wandering off without a valid reason. ~Support
    • No killing Reds for something they type in chat
      • The only exceptions are for jeopardy and snitching +Support
      • Ex: A red who suggests an "invalid" minigame may not be killed.
    • Under No Denying of LR
      • A blue must either participate in the LR or immediately kill themselves. Suiciding as a blue however is frowned upon. +Support
    • Under Inaccessible Areas
      • Admin powers may not be used to relocate blues to an inaccessible area. +Support
    • Under Minigame Frequency
      • Hunger games may only be played every 3 rounds. +Support
    • Under Non-Map Minigames
      • First Reaction Last Reaction may only be played if there are 2 reds left alive or less than 2 minutes left in the round or as a RED's last request. +Support (Although maybe give a little more time, perhaps 5 or 6 minutes?
  • Under Banned Minigames
    • Maze or Race games that result in reds dying because their class is slower than another class. You may set a reasonable time limit so that all reds have a fair chance +Support
  • Under MOD
    • Mods are not allowed to use setclass under any circumstance. -Support ( I still find this whole 'issue' ridiculous, just forbid staff to change class after the round begins)
    • Respawning Reds
      • A red can be respawned only if s/he was freekilled in the current round. +Support
      • The red(s) must be immediately respawned and the blues must be informed prior to the respawn. +Support
  • (At the Bottom of the Page)
Useful Jailbreak Commands
      • !rtv - Rock The Vote, will trigger a map change vote if enough players type it.
      • !firewarden - Will fire the current warden if enough players type it
      • !maplist or sm_maplist - displays the list of all the jailbreak maps. (someone confirm that this is correct)
Rule Removals:
  • Under BLUs
    • Under No Declaring Freedays
      • Warden may not declare a freeday unless a mass freekill took place the preceding round -Support (Just keep no declaring freedays at all)
    • Under Inaccessible Areas
      • BLU(s) are not to hide in an inaccessible area unless it is Hunger Games. +Support

Rule Modifications/clarifications:
  • Under BLU and RED +Support
    • Combine No camping medic and no camping armory and add a clarification to read like this:
      • No camping medic room or armory
        Do not stay in the Medic room or armory for an extended amount of time.
        The warden may not delay the round to kill a rebel in armory or medic unless there is 1 red waiting for last request. He may allocate blues to wait and kill the rebeller.

But that is just how I feel.
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Recognized Member
Map: Chretien. RED(s) who cross the security gate or trigger a beep from the security gate. +Support (Isn't that already a thing?"
It was an unofficial rule, I'd rather have it in there somewhere than not have it in at all.

Ok it looks like I will raise the FR/LR time limit rule to 5 minutes and change the color to orange and put that heavy minigun and bow charging will not count as baiting. Also please please please try to spread the word to regular JB players who don't visit the website very often, I would really like their input. Also @Asu I still need the ability/permission to change the actual JB rules.


Recognized Member
No killing Reds for something they type in chat
  • The only exceptions are for jeopardy and snitching
  • Ex: A red who suggests an "invalid" minigame may not be killed.
Definitely. I've seen people get killed for typing something else then what the warden wanted even when they type it in after. Example:
Person is already typing, Warden gives the order, type a valid minigame, player presses enter then begins to type in the minigame name, player is killed.