Taking a big break™


jb map maker
Caught a big ol' case of the Sematic Naired Condition dissorder recently, been tough and I need some time off.

This might turn into more than that though, I might just fuck off and start a family at this point, not sure if I'll resign or not.

Incase I DO leave, here's some final words to all you b-b bitches in the admin roster(excluding trash), set to Love by Musiq soulchild. If you are not listening to Love by Musiq soulchild as you read this, you are not reading it right:

@Kitten - Non existant and gay, I leave you a portion of my gay.
@Fresh n Fruity - I leave with you a goal, destroy all lifeforms that possess the soy gene.
@Muu - Barely knew you, I leave you a portion of my gay.
@Merpy - Yuki's new sexslave, I leave you a portion of my gay.
@Ivy - EHM -smack- -smack- , I leave you my disability to map.
@UrielVentris - Brawlman, blackpilled to the end, I leave you my need to throw up in hopes that you cough it out.
@Midnight - e v i d e n c e, I leave you nothing.
@Aggressive Burger - Looks like you got a case of SNC too, think you need to take a break aswell, I leave you my condolences.
@Blitz1763 - The older more liberal brother of the mole, I leave you my dislike for globalism.
@Gearhop - Quit being sheepish you fucking non viking, I leave you my porn collection.
@Tricky - I forgot, I leave you nothing.
@Kona - B r o w n, I leave you my compulsive need for drama.
@Yuki - Try a breathmint, I leave you my aids.

Now for regulars:

@Wickednick - I think I'll be cringe jesus by the end of this post, so enjoy being nothing.
@Zero1763 - A worse aim, take care of your autistic brother.
@4k - A notable warrior during the snap ban wave, I leave you good vibes.
@Bush-Dog - Brothers in arms or something like that, try a breathmint you actual dog.
@Baron - <3, I leave you my bible.
@Eggs - My younger, less funny clone. I leave you a bag of eskimo shit.
@Buns - An undeniably better mapper, with undeniably shit tier music taste. I leave you a reminder that your maps exist, try not to cry yourself to sleep.
@BFG 9000 - L I B E R A L, I leave you a portion of gay.
@Yunkster - Commie leaf, I leave you lingonberry jam.
@EmNudge - Taught me things, should be moving onto bigger things already, I leave you hope.
@JackTheRipper - Old man who got married, Ieave you my condolences.
@Swift - Musical man, I leave you my fortnite power.
@n_n - Older man, with you I leave sincere thanks.

I'll miss atleast 5 of you, for the time being I'll be on the forums for a bit longer.
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Recognized Member
Caught a big ol' case of the Sematic Naired Condition dissorder recently, been tough and I need some time off.

This might turn into more than that though, I might just fuck off and start a family at this point, not sure if I'll resign or not.

Incase I DO leave, here's some final words to all you b-b bitches in the admin roster(excluding trash), set to Love by Musiq soulchild:

@Kitten - Non existant and gay, I leave you a portion of my gay.
@Fresh n Fruity - I leave with you a goal, destroy all lifeforms that possess the soy gene.
@Muu - Barely knew you, I leave you a portion of my gay.
@Merpy - Yuki's new sexslave, I leave you a portion of my gay.
@Ivy - EHM -smack- -smack- , I leave you my disability to map.
@UrielVentris - Brawlman, blackpilled to the end, I leave you my need to throw up in hopes that you cough it out.
@Midnight - e v i d e n c e, I leave you nothing.
@Aggressive Burger - Looks like you got a case of SNC too, think you need to take a break aswell, I leave you my condolences.
@Blitz1763 - The older more liberal brother of the mole, I leave you my dislike for globalism.
@Gearhop - Quit being sheepish you fucking non viking, I leave you my porn collection.
@Tricky - I forgot, I leave you nothing.
@Kona - B r o w n, I leave you my compulsive need for drama.
@Yuki - Try a breathmint, I leave you my aids.

Now for regulars:

@Wickednick - I think I'll be cringe jesus by the end of this post, so enjoy being nothing.
@Zero1763 - A worse aim, take care of your autistic brother.
@Bush-Dog - Brothers in arms or something like that, try a breathmint you actual dog.
@Baron - <3, I leave you my bible.
@Eggs - My younger, less funny clone. I leave you a bag of eskimo shit.
@Buns - An undeniably better mapper, with undeniably shit tier music taste. I leave you a reminder that your maps exist, try not to cry yourself to sleep.
@BFG 9000 - I forgot again, I leave you a portion of gay.
@Yunkster - Commie leaf, I leave you lingonberry jam.
@EmNudge - Taught me things, should be moving onto bigger things already, I leave you hope.
@JackTheRipper - Old man who got married, Ieave you my condolences.
@Swift - Musical man, I leave you my fortnite power.

I'll miss 3 of you, for the time being I'll be on the forums for a bit longer.
How dare you, I'll be pickpocketing the title cringe jesus before the doors automatic turret ends you on the way out


Recognized Member
goodbye friend
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Recognized Member

You were a good one soldier, maybe even the best.
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Recognized Member
Enjoy yourself outside of SG my fellow admin gay friend. Thanks for the portion of gay, I will cherish it forever. <3


Recognized Member
:redheart: oh sorry im not gay, doggo you better give me my title back coward


jb map maker
Fuck, I didn't steal the cringe jesus title. God damn liberals.