Team Jeapardy in Jailbreak


Recognized Member
As warden i played this game countless times. Till Blitz1763 banned me for doing so.
I was still not told wether this game is allowed or not.. so i want to hear your thoughts on it.
Also a confirmation from a trusty admin to wether or not this game is banned. Just to set things straight.


Recognized Member
Heres how the game works -
Red team is split in half , each half is their own seperate team. Warden asks a question and all reds answer in chat, the red who answers first gets the point for their team. This game can be played to 1,2,3,4,5,etc,.. points.First team to a certain amount of points wins. Losing team dies.
  • some argue that why should the whole team be responsible for one guy.. Remember its the first correct answer that counts.
  • some say that they see nothing wrong with it.
  • What are your opinions?


Recognized Member
Essentially you are playing a large scale "Trust day."

Also you picked the teams, not red, so thats why it was favoritism.


Recognized Member
also if i let red team divide themselves up, do the teams have to be perfectly even, or should i just say u have 30 seconds to split yourselves up and keep teams as they are even though they might not be even ?


Recognized Member
They should be even and chosen by the reds to avoid some of the favoritism aspect.


Recognized Member
On top of all of this I was informed that if a single red rebelled, their whole team would be killed as well. We are referring to the game you played dubbed "Soul Mates", right?


Recognized Member
On top of all of this I was informed that if a single red rebelled, their whole team would be killed as well. We are referring to the game you played dubbed "Soul Mates", right?
That sounds like one of the worst games I have ever heard of. Why? Cause I almost always get paired with someone who has no idea what the rules are. But seriously if it's not that game then team banning you for it is technically and is abuse (unless you picked the teams in which case it is).


Recognized Member
On top of all of this I was informed that if a single red rebelled, their whole team would be killed as well. We are referring to the game you played dubbed "Soul Mates", right?
never heard of such a game.... usually in team jeapordy the reds are confined in knife pit or something similair


Recognized Member
That sounds like one of the worst games I have ever heard of. Why? Cause I almost always get paired with someone who has no idea what the rules are. But seriously if it's not that game then team banning you for it is technically and is abuse (unless you picked the teams in which case it is).
yeah i did pick the teams but i just picked the left 6 people verses the 6 ppl on the right(they were afk on yellow line), so yeah next time there will be team captains.. also it was an hour long server ban, but that was resolved already.


Recognized Member
You can play team jeapordy, but if a team gets it correct you cannot kill the other team just because you want to.
Make the correct team choose who's team to die(I am aware this was the situation[Hence want to])
Which is why your "explanation" of the game is flawed as where you say losing team dies.
There might be more than one team and if you exterminate the other because you feel like it, that is favoratism


Recognized Member
Team jeapordy has always been played with 2 teams.... in knifepit there are 2 "knifepits" it only makes sence to make 2 teams..... 1 team wins, other team obviousy looses..


Recognized Member
@Zero1763 i dont see the logic in your comment,
"There might be more than one team "
- obviously theere is more than one team.. theres 2 usually.. one wins one looses . whichever team gets to 3 points lets say wins, and the other team.... looses.


Recognized Member
ok i never play with 3 teams cuz thats just a hassle .. in that case yes i agree with u


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TF2 Admin
In regular jeopardy it is a free for all.
Here in this game the first team to answer first (last time on monday) lives. The remaining team just dies. This is favoritsim for they can screw up their other teammates who could've answered right but decided to answer shit or get it wrong, so that team dies on the part of just that one red, why should the others die from one's wrong doing or mistake? Bill maybe you want to review my current mistake where spec said that IS actually a teambannable offense not, well you know.

Dic Soupcan

Recognized Member
In regular jeopardy it is a free for all.
Here in this game the first team to answer first (last time on monday) lives. The remaining team just dies. This is favoritsim for they can screw up their other teammates who could've answered right but decided to answer shit or get it wrong, so that team dies on the part of just that one red, why should the others die from one's wrong doing or mistake? Bill maybe you want to review my current mistake where spec said that IS actually a teambannable offense not, well you know.
This is the dumbest thing that has left your fingers into the text.

This is favoritism because a red didn't do their part? LOL. It's first team to answer correctly, there's no 'if you make a mistake you lose' bullshit. The team dies because none of them answered in time, not because of a single red.

This is nowhere near favoritism.
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yeah ... especially since its first team to get the answer right will win, there are no punishments for wrong answers.


Recognized Member
if spec could give a final decision on this topic it would be great