Total Solar Eclipse 2017


Recognized Member
So what do you guys think about this stuff and what are the opinions?
My school is literally making a new schedule where we go out side to watch and spend the whole day learning about it. Doesn't matter if it's a PE or Orchestra class, we are learning about the solar Eclipse.


I don't think I remember seeing a solar eclipse before,
But I do remember using a Lunar one.
I doubt my school will do that, which sucks.
But hell, if I get to see it, I'll be hella happy.
also apply.

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Recognized Member
Unless you are like 90 something you probably havent seen one (unless of course you traveled to a different country in which it happened).


Recognized Member
Sucks that our city won't really see it, plus we need glasses in order to see some of it.


Recognized Member
wish I could take some pictures of it. sucks that you need a certain camera =(


Recognized Member
We're only getting a partial where I am, and I doubt I'll even have the opportunity to go see it. Bah. :mad: