Dictionary Game


Recognized Member
So basically this is how you play.
Someone will put a word, and someone will define it and put another word. For example: 
Player1: Bean
Player2: An edible seed, typically kidney-shaped, growing in long pods on certain leguminous plants. Milk
Player3: An opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young. Cow
And so on.
So I'll start: Left


Active Member
Left: [font=arial, sans-serif]on, toward, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west when the person or thing is facing north. [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]Solid[/font]


Recognized Member
sol·id  (s

adj. sol·id·ersol·id·est
a. Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous.
b. Firm or compact in substance.
2. Not hollowed out: a solid block of wood.
3. Being the same substance or color throughout: solid gold.
4. Mathematics Of or relating to three-dimensional geometric figures or bodies.
5. Having no gaps or breaks; continuous: a solid line of people.
6. Of good quality and substance: a solid foundation.
7. Substantial; hearty: a solid meal.
8. Sound; reliable: solid facts.
9. Financially sound.
10. Upstanding and dependable: a solid citizen.
11. Written without a hyphen or space. For example, the word software is a solid compound.
12. Printing Having no leads between the lines.
13. Acting together; unanimous: a solid voting bloc.
14. Slang Excellent; first-rate.

1. A substance having a definite shape and volume; one that is neither liquid nor gaseous.
2. Mathematics A geometric figure having three dimensions.

1. As a whole; unanimously: The committee voted solid for the challenger.
2. Without a break or opening; completely or continuously: The theater was booked solid for a month.

solid (ˈsɒlɪd)
1. (General Physics) of, concerned with, or being a substance in a physical state in which it resists changes in size and shape. Compare liquid[sup]1[/sup], gas[sup]1[/sup]
2. consisting of matter all through
3. of the same substance all through: solid rock.
4. sound; proved or provable: solid facts.
5. reliable or sensible; upstanding: a solid citizen.
6. firm, strong, compact, or substantial: a solid tablesolid ground.
7. (Cookery) (of a meal or food) substantial
8. (often postpositive) without interruption or respite; continuous: solid bombardment.
9. (Banking & Finance) financially sound or solvent: a solid institution.
10. strongly linked or consolidated: a solid relationship.
11. (Mathematics) geometry having or relating to three dimensions: a solid figuresolid geometry.
12. (Linguistics) (of a word composed of two or more other words or elements) written or printed as a single word without a hyphen
13. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing with no space or leads between lines of type
14. solid for unanimously in favour of
15. (of a writer, work, performance, etc) adequate; sensible
16. (Colours) of or having a single uniform colour or tone
17. NZ excessive; unreasonably strict

18. (Mathematics) geometry
a. a closed surface in three-dimensional space
b. such a surface together with the volume enclosed by it
19. (General Physics) a solid substance, such as wood, iron, or diamond
20. (plural) solid food, as opposed to liquid

[C14: from Old French solide, from Latin solidus firm; related to Latin sollus whole]
solidity n ˈsolidly adv ˈsolidness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

sol•id (ˈsɒl ɪd) 

1. having the interior completely filled up; not hollow: a piece of solid rock.
2. having the three dimensions of length, breadth, and thickness.
3. having no openings or breaks: a solid wall.
4. firm or compact in substance: solid ground.
5. having relative firmness, coherence of particles, or persistence of form: solid particles suspended in a liquid.
6. dense, thick, or heavy in nature or appearance: solid masses of cloud.
7. firm in construction; substantial: solid food.
8. without separation; continuous: a solid row of buildings.
9. serious in character: solid scholarship.
10. whole or entire: one solid hour.
11. consisting entirely of one substance or material: solid gold; a solid teak shelf.
12. uniform in tone: a solid blue dress.
13. real; genuine: solid comfort.
14. sound; reliable: solid facts.
15. fully reliable or sensible: a solid citizen.
16. financially sound: a solid corporation.
17. cubic: A solid foot contains 1728 solid inches.
18. written without a hyphen, as a compound word.
19. having the lines not separated by leads, or having few open spaces, as type or printing.
20. unanimous: a solid majority.
21. on a friendly or favorable footing: in solid with her parents.
22. a body or object having the three dimensions of length, breadth, and thickness.
23. a substance whose molecules are densely packed and that is usu. characterized by rigidity and resistance to deformation.
24. something that is solid.
[1350–1400; Middle English < Latin solidus]
sol′id•ly, adv.
sol′id•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

solid  (s
1. Physics One of four main states of matter, in which the molecules vibrate about fixed positions and cannot migrate to other positions in the substance. Unlike a gas or liquid, a solid has a fixed shape, and unlike a gas, a solid has a fixed volume. In most solids (with exceptions such as glass), the molecules are arranged in crystal lattices of various sizes.
2. Mathematics A geometric figure that has three dimensions.

DIS IS NOT COPIED AND PASTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Recognized Member
Butt; thing that men is attracted to, big or small, but not super small.



Recognized Member
Poop may refer to:
Feces, waste product from an animal's or a human's digestive tract expelled through the anus, including synonyms crap and shit
Defecation, the act or process by which organisms eliminate feces
Pooper-scooper, used by owners of pets to pick up the fecal matter of their pets
Stern, the rear or aft part of a ship or boat
Poop deck, a deck that constitutes the roof of a cabin built in the aft (rear) part of the superstructure of a ship
"To be pooped", nautical parlance meaning to have a wave come over the stern from abaft
Poop (constellation) or Puppis, a constellation in the southern sky
Pooped, to be fatigued

Propane Oxygen, Oxygen Propane (mnemonic for safe order for turning on/off a blowtorch (UK) / oxy-gas torch: see oxyacetylene)
Aspect-oriented programming, "Post Object-Oriented Programming"
Perl Object-Oriented Persistence, a term relating to the Perl programming language


Compass <-- You happy?

Practical Problems

Recognized Member
(You didn't leave us a word....you failed at your own game....)


Recognized Member
Compass: A device that uses some kind of magical energy to guide us to the Tunnel Snakes.
NEXT WORD: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (aka Fuck Yourself)


Recognized Member
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis:When u masterbait

Sry if I get introuble for this
I'll give you three strikes, and the best analogy I can think of.

Threads are like parties. Everyone wants to be in the party, chatting with their friends n shit. If you can show up, have fun and talk with people. But, even when you don't show up... The party still goes on. Then, the party eventually will end, and you will show up late if you try to attend this party.

Posting in a dead/old thread is like trying to restart a party that already ended. It's more worthwhile to start your own NEW party with NEW things in it (Stress on different things such as party themes, which for the analogy represent topics). If you make the party exactly the same as the last one, it's not as interesting or amusing.

TL;DR: Read it Mayor Ford