Selling unusuals?


Recognized Member
So yea, selling my unus feel free to offer here or on my outpost thread
Side note: Dont bother complaining to me about what says, suggested prices are outdated and nearly half a year old

:Orbiting fire Tean captain - price range 7 buds(Willing to break into multiple lower unusuals)
:Circling Hearts Reggaelator - price range 6 buds (Lovely hat, I dont mind keeping it, no third gen effect offers on this hat unless 50% overpay)
:Steaming pyromancer - price range 3.2 buds (Clean as f)
:Cauldron bubbles Company man - price range 5.3 buds (All class, do I need to say more?)
:Stormy storm Horrific Headsplitter price range 5.5 buds (Another all class)

*The team captain is duped
*Reggaelator is clean
*Pyromancer is clean
*Company man is duped
*Headsplitter is clean