Telling people to type Unbindall in console

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Recognized Member
TF2 Admin
I think this counts as Cyberbullying, since you are telling someone to unbind all their keys and they end up motionless, this has made constant rage and cries since people have no idea to fix it sometimes, its really irritating.


Recognized Member
SG is full if trolls, and if you don't know that going in then you're fucked. Its not really bullying. Besides if they know anything about console, they should know about binds. Especially because its a large topic along SG.
Any who, what's the point of this thread? Do you wanna make it some rule or something..? (If so then SG would be another step into being too up tight.) Idk.


Recognized Member
TF2 Admin
Not into a rule, I just need an answer to know if this is bullying or disrespecting or something like that, I know its not disrespecting though.


Recognized Member
If common sense doesn't indicate to you that "unbindall" seems a little fishy to be putting in console...

But honestly, if you catch someone suggesting "unbindall" in chat, it's not cyberbullying but it's a pretty dick move. Especially to new players who don't know what they're doing. Inform an admin or something, that's not something that should become the next trend along our servers.


Recognized Member
Not exactly respectable to tell someone to unbindall, but if you enabled console access, you've assumed the risks of using it. If you believe someone saying something suspicious like "unbindall" and do it yourself, IMO you kinda deserve it.

Basically, similar to what Katze says: It's on you for being foolish enough to unbindall, but it's still a bit of a dick move to suggest it. I wouldn't call it a punishable offense though.

Also grats on 777 posts, Katze.
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