[VSH] Item Stats Discussion


Recognized Member
EDIT: I gave the wrong link, try it now.

Considering that I've released the Super Saxton Hale Fighter plugin (privately, for now), I'm gonna need some statistics ideas for each item in the game.

If you want to help, follow the things below:

All Attributes in TF2
First off, research the above link a bit to know what stats are in the game.
  • Anything titled as a "percentage" uses 0.0 as 0% and 1.0 as 100%. 0.25, for example is 25%.
  • Anything titled as "additive" are treated as integers, or whole numbers. So 0 is 0, 1 is 1, etc.
  • Anything titled as "inverted" reverses the number's effect visually. These are usually for resistances and vulnerability, where 1.0 is normal, 0.0 is 100% resistant, 2.0 is 100% vulnerable (Double damage), and so on.
After researching that, tell me which Weapon, Hat, Misc, or Action Slot Item you want me to add and with what stats in the following format:

Item Name
  • Attribute Name: Attribute Value
  • Repeat for each attribute. Up to 16 Attributes allowed.
Keep in mind, Hats don't do very well with boosting weapon stats. They can, as far as I know, increase Health, Speed, and Defensive Stats, among a few other things.

Known Banned Weapons:
  • Rocket Jumper
  • Sticky Jumper
  • Every Medigun EXCEPT the modified Kritzkreig

Practical Problems

Recognized Member
The link to "study" is wrong. Just leads to a page that lists all the items.


Recognized Member
Practical Problems said:
The link to "study" is wrong. Just leads to a page that lists all the items.

Yep, hopefully it should be good to go now. Simple mistake lol.


Recognized Member
To be honest i want a 10x vsh server because it makes it a lot easier and more fun, just my opinion.

i'm your average MLG player


Recognized Member
I think the sandman ball should mark for death but only for 5 seconds


Recognized Member
I don't think that's possible without programming in the time limit. The stat itself has a fixed time limit.

EDIT: Also, the "Mark for Death" effect doesn't just affect the Sandman Ball.


Recognized Member
Kirby, don't you have to hard code that for it to work?


Recognized Member
Yes, which is why I don't want to.

Can we PLEASE follow the format I posted in the original post? I gave some pretty clear instructions on what I need to have done for stats to work out.


Recognized Member
I have been discussing (and still am) modifications with X on Steam. Perhaps he'll post the results once we're done.

Reminder that things you would attribute to the CHARACTER (such as speed, health, jump height, taunt speed, resistance) can go on miscs/hats AND weapons, however things affecting weapons go on weapons BUT NOT MISCS/HATS (such as damage modifiers, clip size, airblast cost, reload speed). It would be too difficult to work around with the infrastructure given.

An exception would be movement speed can be increased when the weapon is active, like the Powerjack. But not passively.

Practical Problems

Recognized Member
Well the medi guns are banned. So there goes all the ideas i had already