Who's the bomber?


Recognized Member
No cause that ruins the point of it?

More like make a red a suicidebomber.
#include <sourcemod>
#include <tf2>
#include <tf2_stocks>
#include <sdktools_engine>
#include <sdktools_functions>
#include <sdktools_gamerules>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdktools_tempents>
#include <sdktools_tempents_stocks>
#pragma semicolon 1

float pos1[3];
float pos2[3];
int finalbomber = 0;
int rv = 0;
int pbomber = 0;
int bomber = 0;
int votes = 0;
int voters = 0;
int votesneeded = 0;
int sizeofteam = 0;
int reds[32];
int g_ExplosionSprite   = -1;
char g_BoomSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
bool bomberused = false;
bool bomblock = true;
bool bomberdead = false;
bool bomberexists = false;
bool voted[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {false, ...};
public OnPluginStart()
    g_ExplosionSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/sprite_fire01.vmt");
    PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav", true);
    CreateConVar("bomberratio", "0.6", "voteratio for bomber", 0, true, 0.1, true, 1.0);
    RegAdminCmd("sm_wtb", whosthebomber, 0);
    RegAdminCmd("sm_iamtb", iamthebomber, 0);
    CreateConVar("bombradius", "600", "Explosion radius.", 0, true, 50.0, true, 3000.0);
    CreateConVar("damagebomb", "220", "Damage when bomb explodes.");
    HookEvent("arena_round_start", roundstart);
    HookEvent("arena_win_panel", arenawin);
public OnMapStart()
    Handle gameConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("funcommands.games");
    if (gameConfig == null)
        SetFailState("Unable to load game config funcommands.games");
    if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundBoom", g_BoomSound, sizeof(g_BoomSound)) && g_BoomSound[0])
        PrecacheSound(g_BoomSound, true);
    char buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
    if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteExplosion", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
        g_ExplosionSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer);
    delete gameConfig;
public Action whosthebomber(int client, int args)
    if (bomblock == true)
        PrintToChat(client, "You cannot vote at this time.");
        voted[client] = false;
        return Plugin_Handled;

    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false && IsClientConnected(client) == false)
        return Plugin_Handled;
    ConVar imthebomber = FindConVar("bomberratio");
    float cv_votesneeded = GetConVarFloat(imthebomber);
    votesneeded = RoundToFloor(float(votes) * cv_votesneeded);
    if (voted[client] == true)
        PrintToChat(client, "[SM] You have already voted!");
    if (voted[client] == false)
        if (votes == 0)
            PrintToChatAll("%N has voted for 'Who's the Bomber', vote %i.", client, votes);
            voted[client] = true;
            PrintToChatAll("%N has voted for 'Who's the Bomber', vote %i.", client, votes);
            voted[client] = true;
    if (votes >= votesneeded && finalbomber == 0 && bomberexists == false)
        for (bomber = 1; bomber <= MaxClients; bomber++)
            if (IsClientInGame(bomber) == true && IsPlayerAlive(bomber) == true)
                if (TF2_GetClientTeam(bomber) == TFTeam_Red)
                    reds[rv++] = bomber;
        sizeofteam = GetTeamClientCount(2);
        pbomber = GetRandomInt(0, sizeofteam);
        finalbomber = reds[pbomber];
        PrintToChatAll("A bomber has been selected!");
        bomberexists = true;
        bomberused = false;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false)
        return Plugin_Handled;
    ConVar imthebomber = FindConVar("bomberratio");
    float cv_votesneeded = GetConVarFloat(imthebomber);
    if (voted[client] == true)
    votesneeded = RoundToFloor(float(voters) * cv_votesneeded);
    voted[client] = false;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnClientConnected(int client)
    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false)
        return Plugin_Handled;
    ConVar imthebomber = FindConVar("bomberratio");
    float cv_votesneeded = GetConVarFloat(imthebomber);
    voted[client] = false;
    votesneeded = RoundToFloor(float(voters) * cv_votesneeded);
    return Plugin_Handled;
public Action iamthebomber(int client, int args)
    if (bomberexists == false)
        PrintToChat(client, "Bomber does not exist yet!");
        return Plugin_Handled;
    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false && IsClientConnected(client) == false)
        PrintToChat(client, "You are not the bomber!");
        return Plugin_Handled;
    if (bomberexists == true && finalbomber != client)
        PrintToChat(client, "You are not the bomber!");
        return Plugin_Handled;
        if (bomberused == true && finalbomber == client)
            PrintToChat(client, "Your bomb has been used!");
        if (bomberused == false && finalbomber == client)
            ServerCommand("sm_beacon %N", client);
            TF2_AddCondition(client, TFCond_HalloweenBombHead, TFCondDuration_Infinite, 0);
            GetClientAbsOrigin(client, pos1);
            CreateTimer(5.0, bombexplode, _);
            return Plugin_Handled;
        return Plugin_Handled;
public Action bombexplode(Handle timer)
    if (bomberdead == true)
        return Plugin_Handled;
        float EyeVec[3];
        GetClientEyePosition(finalbomber, EyeVec);
        ConVar bombrad = FindConVar("bombradius");
        ConVar dbomb = FindConVar("damagebomb");
        if (g_ExplosionSprite > -1)
            TE_SetupExplosion(pos1, g_ExplosionSprite, 5.0, 1, 0, bombrad.IntValue, 5000);
        if (g_BoomSound[0])
            EmitAmbientSound(g_BoomSound, EyeVec, finalbomber, SNDLEVEL_RAIDSIREN);
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
            if (i != finalbomber && IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && TF2_GetClientTeam(i) != TFTeam_Red)
                if(!TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(i, TFCond_Ubercharged))
                    GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos2);
                    if(GetVectorDistance(pos1, pos2) <= GetConVarFloat(bombrad))
                        int damage = GetConVarInt(dbomb);
                        if(GetClientHealth(i) - damage <= 0)
                            PrintToChatAll("%N has died from the explosion!", i);
                        SDKHooks_TakeDamage(i, 0, finalbomber, GetConVarFloat(dbomb), DMG_PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE|DMG_CRUSH|DMG_ALWAYSGIB);
                if (IsPlayerAlive(finalbomber) == false)
                    PrintToChatAll("The bomber, %N, is dead!", finalbomber);
                    TF2_RemoveCondition(finalbomber, TFCond_HalloweenBombHead);
                    bomberdead = true;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public Action roundstart(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
    bomberused = false;
    bomblock = false;
    finalbomber = 0;
    rv = 0;
    votes = 0;
    bomberdead = false;
    bomberexists = false;
    for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
        voted[i] = false;
        return Plugin_Continue;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public Action arenawin(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
    bomberused = false;
    bomblock = true;
    finalbomber = 0;
    rv = 0;
    votes = 0;
    bomberdead = false;
    bomberexists = false;
    for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
        voted[i] = false;
        return Plugin_Continue;
    return Plugin_Handled;
I think I'm finished, and oh, is it awesomely funny.

You know that bombinomicon effect? Where your head becomes a bomb? It does this, and then you blow and and kill blus around you (if they don't kill you first).
You have 5 seconds to blow.

The vote convar is typically .6 vote ratio, so 32 times .6 for a full server means that 19 votes are required for the bomber to be selected, and to vote you do !wtb, /wtb, or sm_wtb.
The next step is the bomber. Now, the bomber himself can only do this, and that is the command !iamtb, /iamtb, or sm_iamtb, which allows you to become a suicide bomber for the reds.
Just a little idea I had that turned into a big code.
Happily, it works, under most scenarios (I haven't tested them all).
I think the bombinomicon shit broke it...
Fixed it, props to @EmNudge for suggesting it, simply putting a block on the console for the client index 0 fixed it.
I put a printtochatall function with the name and index of each finalbomber and found that console wasn't getting filtered properly.
So I filtered it.
Inb4 @Yukina coke blocks your success


Recognized Member
No cause that ruins the point of it?

More like make a red a suicidebomber.
#include <sourcemod>
#include <tf2>
#include <tf2_stocks>
#include <sdktools_engine>
#include <sdktools_functions>
#include <sdktools_gamerules>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdktools_tempents>
#include <sdktools_tempents_stocks>
#pragma semicolon 1

float pos1[3];
float pos2[3];
int finalbomber = 0;
int rv = 0;
int pbomber = 0;
int bomber = 0;
int votes = 0;
int voters = 0;
int votesneeded = 0;
int sizeofteam = 0;
int reds[32];
int g_ExplosionSprite   = -1;
char g_BoomSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
bool bomberused = false;
bool bomblock = true;
bool bomberdead = false;
bool bomberexists = false;
bool voted[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {false, ...};
public OnPluginStart()
    g_ExplosionSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/sprite_fire01.vmt");
    PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav", true);
    CreateConVar("bomberratio", "0.6", "voteratio for bomber", 0, true, 0.1, true, 1.0);
    RegAdminCmd("sm_wtb", whosthebomber, 0);
    RegAdminCmd("sm_iamtb", iamthebomber, 0);
    CreateConVar("bombradius", "600", "Explosion radius.", 0, true, 50.0, true, 3000.0);
    CreateConVar("damagebomb", "220", "Damage when bomb explodes.");
    HookEvent("arena_round_start", roundstart);
    HookEvent("arena_win_panel", arenawin);
public OnMapStart()
    Handle gameConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("funcommands.games");
    if (gameConfig == null)
        SetFailState("Unable to load game config funcommands.games");
    if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundBoom", g_BoomSound, sizeof(g_BoomSound)) && g_BoomSound[0])
        PrecacheSound(g_BoomSound, true);
    char buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
    if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteExplosion", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
        g_ExplosionSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer);
    delete gameConfig;
public Action whosthebomber(int client, int args)
    if (bomblock == true)
        PrintToChat(client, "You cannot vote at this time.");
        voted[client] = false;
        return Plugin_Handled;

    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false && IsClientConnected(client) == false)
        return Plugin_Handled;
    ConVar imthebomber = FindConVar("bomberratio");
    float cv_votesneeded = GetConVarFloat(imthebomber);
    votesneeded = RoundToFloor(float(votes) * cv_votesneeded);
    if (voted[client] == true)
        PrintToChat(client, "[SM] You have already voted!");
    if (voted[client] == false)
        if (votes == 0)
            PrintToChatAll("%N has voted for 'Who's the Bomber', vote %i.", client, votes);
            voted[client] = true;
            PrintToChatAll("%N has voted for 'Who's the Bomber', vote %i.", client, votes);
            voted[client] = true;
    if (votes >= votesneeded && finalbomber == 0 && bomberexists == false)
        for (bomber = 1; bomber <= MaxClients; bomber++)
            if (IsClientInGame(bomber) == true && IsPlayerAlive(bomber) == true)
                if (TF2_GetClientTeam(bomber) == TFTeam_Red)
                    reds[rv++] = bomber;
        sizeofteam = GetTeamClientCount(2);
        pbomber = GetRandomInt(0, sizeofteam);
        finalbomber = reds[pbomber];
        PrintToChatAll("A bomber has been selected!");
        bomberexists = true;
        bomberused = false;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false)
        return Plugin_Handled;
    ConVar imthebomber = FindConVar("bomberratio");
    float cv_votesneeded = GetConVarFloat(imthebomber);
    if (voted[client] == true)
    votesneeded = RoundToFloor(float(voters) * cv_votesneeded);
    voted[client] = false;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnClientConnected(int client)
    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false)
        return Plugin_Handled;
    ConVar imthebomber = FindConVar("bomberratio");
    float cv_votesneeded = GetConVarFloat(imthebomber);
    voted[client] = false;
    votesneeded = RoundToFloor(float(voters) * cv_votesneeded);
    return Plugin_Handled;
public Action iamthebomber(int client, int args)
    if (bomberexists == false)
        PrintToChat(client, "Bomber does not exist yet!");
        return Plugin_Handled;
    if (IsClientInGame(client) == false && IsClientConnected(client) == false)
        PrintToChat(client, "You are not the bomber!");
        return Plugin_Handled;
    if (bomberexists == true && finalbomber != client)
        PrintToChat(client, "You are not the bomber!");
        return Plugin_Handled;
        if (bomberused == true && finalbomber == client)
            PrintToChat(client, "Your bomb has been used!");
        if (bomberused == false && finalbomber == client)
            ServerCommand("sm_beacon %N", client);
            TF2_AddCondition(client, TFCond_HalloweenBombHead, TFCondDuration_Infinite, 0);
            GetClientAbsOrigin(client, pos1);
            CreateTimer(5.0, bombexplode, _);
            return Plugin_Handled;
        return Plugin_Handled;
public Action bombexplode(Handle timer)
    if (bomberdead == true)
        return Plugin_Handled;
        float EyeVec[3];
        GetClientEyePosition(finalbomber, EyeVec);
        ConVar bombrad = FindConVar("bombradius");
        ConVar dbomb = FindConVar("damagebomb");
        if (g_ExplosionSprite > -1)
            TE_SetupExplosion(pos1, g_ExplosionSprite, 5.0, 1, 0, bombrad.IntValue, 5000);
        if (g_BoomSound[0])
            EmitAmbientSound(g_BoomSound, EyeVec, finalbomber, SNDLEVEL_RAIDSIREN);
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
            if (i != finalbomber && IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && TF2_GetClientTeam(i) != TFTeam_Red)
                if(!TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(i, TFCond_Ubercharged))
                    GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos2);
                    if(GetVectorDistance(pos1, pos2) <= GetConVarFloat(bombrad))
                        int damage = GetConVarInt(dbomb);
                        if(GetClientHealth(i) - damage <= 0)
                            PrintToChatAll("%N has died from the explosion!", i);
                        SDKHooks_TakeDamage(i, 0, finalbomber, GetConVarFloat(dbomb), DMG_PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE|DMG_CRUSH|DMG_ALWAYSGIB);
                if (IsPlayerAlive(finalbomber) == false)
                    PrintToChatAll("The bomber, %N, is dead!", finalbomber);
                    TF2_RemoveCondition(finalbomber, TFCond_HalloweenBombHead);
                    bomberdead = true;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public Action roundstart(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
    bomberused = false;
    bomblock = false;
    finalbomber = 0;
    rv = 0;
    votes = 0;
    bomberdead = false;
    bomberexists = false;
    for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
        voted[i] = false;
        return Plugin_Continue;
    return Plugin_Handled;
public Action arenawin(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
    bomberused = false;
    bomblock = true;
    finalbomber = 0;
    rv = 0;
    votes = 0;
    bomberdead = false;
    bomberexists = false;
    for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
        voted[i] = false;
        return Plugin_Continue;
    return Plugin_Handled;
I think I'm finished, and oh, is it awesomely funny.

You know that bombinomicon effect? Where your head becomes a bomb? It does this, and then you blow and and kill blus around you (if they don't kill you first).
You have 5 seconds to blow.

The vote convar is typically .6 vote ratio, so 32 times .6 for a full server means that 19 votes are required for the bomber to be selected, and to vote you do !wtb, /wtb, or sm_wtb.
The next step is the bomber. Now, the bomber himself can only do this, and that is the command !iamtb, /iamtb, or sm_iamtb, which allows you to become a suicide bomber for the reds.
Just a little idea I had that turned into a big code.
Happily, it works, under most scenarios (I haven't tested them all).
I think the bombinomicon shit broke it...
Fixed it, props to @EmNudge for suggesting it, simply putting a block on the console for the client index 0 fixed it.
I put a printtochatall function with the name and index of each finalbomber and found that console wasn't getting filtered properly.
So I filtered it.
if(!TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(i, TFCond_Ubercharged))
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos2);
if(GetVectorDistance(pos1, pos2) <= GetConVarFloat(bombrad))
int damage = GetConVarInt(dbomb);
if(GetClientHealth(i) - damage <= 0)

Uh so im not pro or some shit but what what does that first part do? IF their uber charged they can die? or no?
Also right under it the client health - damage <= 0, is that what the damage to surrounding is based on? or is the base for dmg to all surrounded set per person?

PrintToChatAll("A bomber has been selected!");
Also i dont think you should do that^^^
Edit: Also are you consoling it into the server? or server code?(This isn't my question)


Recognized Member
if(!TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(i, TFCond_Ubercharged))
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos2);
if(GetVectorDistance(pos1, pos2) <= GetConVarFloat(bombrad))
int damage = GetConVarInt(dbomb);
if(GetClientHealth(i) - damage <= 0)

Uh so im not pro or some shit but what what does that first part do? IF their uber charged they can die? or no?
Also right under it the client health - damage <= 0, is that what the damage to surrounding is based on? or is the base for dmg to all surrounded set per person?

PrintToChatAll("A bomber has been selected!");
Also i dont think you should do that^^^
If they are ubercharged (don't make this yellow, what the hell is that?) this code will not activate, if you have a suicide bomber why let them have godmode/ubercharge on, seems a bit unfair? Anyway that damage thing, if the client's health minus the damage (from the explosion's standard damage convar integer) is less than or equal to 0, it prints to chat who has died from the explosion, so in other words if you were hit by the bomb but didn't die, your name wouldn't show up since your health was not less than or equal to 0.
The ! in front of TF2_IsPlayerInCondition sets that statement's passing value (as a boolean) to false instead of the default without the ! being true, meaning that if the player is uber charged returns true then continue on with the code, but this switches that.
And the printtochatall "A bomber has been selected is just fine.
This isn't the final code, BTW, I made a new thread in the TF2 section.


Recognized Member
If they are ubercharged (don't make this yellow, what the hell is that?) this code will not activate, if you have a suicide bomber why let them have godmode/ubercharge on, seems a bit unfair? Anyway that damage thing, if the client's health minus the damage (from the explosion's standard damage convar integer) is less than or equal to 0, it prints to chat who has died from the explosion, so in other words if you were hit by the bomb but didn't die, your name wouldn't show up since your health was not less than or equal to 0.
The ! in front of TF2_IsPlayerInCondition sets that statement's passing value (as a boolean) to false instead of the default without the ! being true, meaning that if the player is uber charged returns true then continue on with the code, but this switches that.
And the printtochatall "A bomber has been selected is just fine.
This isn't the final code, BTW, I made a new thread in the TF2 section.
Oh ok i just wanted you to explain it cause i aint no where near to be able to do all that, just small time. But thanks for the explanation, helped alot...turns out i was reading it wrong, i thought that was dmg section for players not chat messages


Recognized Member
Oh ok i just wanted you to explain it cause i aint no where near to be able to do all that, just small time. But thanks for the explanation, helped alot...turns out i was reading it wrong, i thought that was dmg section for players not chat messages
I'm not great but I can teach you.


Recognized Member
You don't have to teach me.. a point in the right direction would help no need to worry yourself, like where you learned code...
Asu but generally look at other codes and plugins.